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    11th hour 結果共4筆

  • Taiwan ensures voting rights with election day off

    Taiwan’s election day has been designated as a day off under the Labor Standards Act to protect workers’ voting rights. On January 13th, the 16th Presidential and Vice Presidential elections, as well as the 11th Legislative Yuan elections, will be held. Employers are required to grant a day off with regular pay to workers who have voting rights and are scheduled to work on election day. The day off is a continuous 24-hour period from midnight to noon and cannot be exchanged for another working day. If workers are needed on election day, employers must obtain their agreement and not impede their right to vote.
    2024/01/06 11:23
  • 想當台灣媳婦!「木曜女神」阿部瑪利亞點出1關鍵 羞認很羨慕

     《木曜4超玩》主持阿部瑪利亞(Maria Abe)推出新單曲〈11th hour〉,從小就在演藝圈打拼的她,現在隻身在台灣生活,深感台日家庭關係大不同,「看到台灣家庭溫暖的感覺蠻羨慕!這也是我考慮可以嫁給台灣人的原因之一!」
    2023/12/17 13:31
  • 被預言45歲才結婚!阿部瑪利亞突公布好消息 粉絲見證嗨翻了

    阿部瑪利亞來台發展6年,累積許多粉絲喜愛,每年都會舉辦粉絲見面會,日前她邀粉絲一起歡慶28歲生日,她更精心裝扮成神力女超人,以性感又帥氣的模樣現身,讓粉絲驚豔不已瘋狂搶拍。工作滿檔的她,日前除推出最新單曲〈11th hour〉,昨(11/30)更公開好消息,是特別推出單曲的Line貼圖,已正式上架。
    2023/12/01 11:43
  • 木曜女神認了動心!忘不掉他身上的香水味 「整個人感覺來了」

    自網路節目《木曜4超玩》竄紅的阿部瑪利亞(Maria Abe),發行第3張單曲〈11th hour〉,靈感取自昔日心儀對象所使用的香水,MV突破以往尺度,她首度以Y2K辣妹風現身,染金髮、穿辣靴還大露小蠻腰,趕上今年全球的芭比熱。MV曝光後,不少粉絲直呼新造型很像引退的日本歌姬安室奈美惠,讓她受寵若驚直呼:「真的不敢當,但我會努力向我的神看齊!」
    2023/11/16 17:10
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